Reflection For a New Day!


I watched today as Donald J. Trump became our 45th president.  The proceedings, pageantry and excitement (or disappointment!) were interesting to behold.  It’s interesting that since 1789 our nation has continued this practice in democracy every four years.  The most talked about aspect of this ceremony is what many refer to as the “peaceful transfer of power.”

President Donald J. Trump greets former President Barack Obama during his inauguration.

Watching former President, Barack Obama, and current President Donald J. Trump act cordial towards each other, in spite of their clear differences, was refreshing.  Our nation had just come through a pretty rough election.  As I sat, watched and listened my heart wanted nothing more than to see our divided nation come together.  Even as I type this a number of protest marches are being held throughout the nation. It seems that we all are upset about something.  It will take more than one man or woman in an office to bring the peace we crave.  That tough task will be left up to the people of this nation as we learn to reach across all the barriers that separate us and we learn to listen, care, and talk to each other again.

Yeah, I know, it sounds idealistic, right?  Then so be it! I did not vote for President Trump, but am wired to be optimistic and believe we as a nation can recapture some of the “good” aspects of our humanity we seem to have lost along the way.  Presidents will come and go, each putting their own stamp on our nation.  However, I’m convinced that it’s “us” the people who can change the tenor and tone of our public conversations…and actions.  I’m going to work on doing my part and invite others to join me.

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